The 2 Step Process for Changing Your Identity

2 min readApr 10, 2022
Photo by elnaz asadi on Unsplash

Following my last article on “Preparing your Habits of today to frame the Identity of tomorrow” where I explained about how our small habits of today can help us build the identity of tomorrow and in this article I will summaries how to build up identity via simple steps.

To begin with, we all know now that our identity emerges from our daily habits. Our habits are how we embody our identity. For instance, if we make bed each day then we embody the identity of the “organized” person and if we write each day then we embody the identity of the creative person. It’s like the more we repeat our habits or behaviors the more we reinforce the identity.

Likewise, the identity we have right now is because of the proof we believe towards it. Like, if we study for 1 hour everyday then we are studious and if we go to the gym everyday then we are more COMMITTED towards fitness. The more evidence you have for a belief the more strongly you will believe in it. We become who we are through our daily habits.

As we repeat our actions and the process of building our habits, it is a way to finally become ourselves in the future. Its is a gradual evolution of ourselves.

Every action we take is the vote for the type of person we wish to become in the future.




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